Sir Gaelin, the Commander of the Knights of the Stormlands finds himself in an uphill battle against the Sovereign King and his Lords. This is the beginning of his tale...
Unsung Heroes is the first chapter in what could be a larger story. It was made in less than 30 days for the IGMC 2017.
A great deal of focus was put into the robust combat system, one that relies heavily on character party synergy and buffs/debuffs. Combat, although turn-based, is streamlined to be fast-paced and strategic.
Unsung Heroes is the first chapter in what could be a larger story. It was made in less than 30 days for the IGMC 2017.
A great deal of focus was put into the robust combat system, one that relies heavily on character party synergy and buffs/debuffs. Combat, although turn-based, is streamlined to be fast-paced and strategic.